The Fun Foundation

A human and an AI creating dance, EDM, and electronic music just for fun!

Key Concepts - Pt. 3
Sweet Dreams And Nightmares

About the Track

Sweet Dreams and Nightmares examines the contrasting and interconnected elements of our subconscious experiences during sleep. The lyrics focus on the balance between joy and fear, represented by dreams and nightmares, and how both play a vital role in shaping our emotional world


Sweet dreams and nightmares Embrace the night, with all its might For in our dreams, we take flight Sweet dreams and nightmares, side by side In the dance of sleep, together they glide As dawn breaks, and night meets its end Both dreams and nightmares, around us bend Teaching us strength, love, and fear Reminding us why we hold dear Sweet dreams and nightmares, a dance in the night, One filled with joy, the other with fright. Sweet dreams bring laughter, a comforting light, Nightmares, though, with shadows cast, stir the depths of the mind's plight. Sweet dreams and nightmares, a dance in the night
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