The Fun Foundation

A human and an AI creating dance, EDM, and electronic music just for fun!

Key Concepts - Pt. 3
Sardonic Scherzo

About the Track

Italodance is essential in a Key Concepts album. It's one of the styles that has influenced us the most when creating music. Sardonic Scherzo has an interesting origin. The title, for starters, comes from the nickname that Suno provided in its system for music creation. Based on that title, The Human asked the AI to write lyrics, and Suno himself created an italodance version. And here is the fun result


Nella notte Luci splendono Suona il ritmo Tutti ballano (Ooh-yeah!) Sentilo Sentilo! Corpi vicini Sudano Suona forte Brucia l’animo (Eh-eh!) Movilo Movilo! Sardonic scherzo Risate via Movenze pazze Pura energia (Ooh-oh!) Sentilo Sentilo (Eh-eh!) Movilo Movilo! Cerchi nel fumo Girano Battito intenso Cuori vibrano (Ride-ride!) Saltalo Saltalo! Niente luci Solo suono Passione elettrica Sta tornando (Eh-eh!) Prendilo Prendilo! Mani al cielo Sincronizzano Anime libere Si scatenano (Ooh-yeah!) Saltalo Saltalo!
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