The Fun Foundation

A human and an AI creating dance, EDM, and electronic music just for fun!

Key Concepts - Pt. 1
Orizzonti Rinati

About the Track

This is another example of a song that originated from Italian lyrics written by The Human, to which a melody was added. The first version created by Suno was so well-received that it was chosen to be mixed and released as a standalone track.


Soffia un vento forte En un giorno grigio Sono nel giardino Vedo l'orizzonte (eeh) Ogni sogno un passo In questa terra strana Cieli inesplorati Palpito costante Miro nel futuro Io e te ci siamo Canto e ballo presto Allora rinasciamo Whispers of my soul Looking at the sky Everybody is out Together and no more
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